A Fiery New Project: Matchstick Boy

I've always had a running list of game ideas, a sort of ever-growing backlog of potential projects. I think this is common for many indie devs on this platform. Ideas come often, but time to work on them does not.

 This year, one particular idea has captured my imagination: Matchstick Boy.

At first, it was just a simple concept. But as I delved deeper, a backstory began to emerge. It’s a bigger project than I typically undertake, and with work commitments, finding the time to dedicate to it is a challenge.

The Burning Question (See what I did there?)

One of the biggest hurdles will be bringing this fiery character to life. Rigging a matchstick man is straightforward enough, but the real challenge lies in animating his fiery demise. I'm toying with the idea of his arms disintegrating as the flames consume him, meaning he loses his current weapon if he burns too long.

While ablaze, he'll be able to see in the dark, scare off enemies, and even inflict damage on those who get too close. However, since he's on fire, he will begin to run erratically if not controlled. If he is controller, he will still run unstoppable, but at least in the direction the player chooses.

To extinguish the flames, the player will need to guide the Matchstick Boy through water, strong winds, or perform a specific input (maybe shoulder buttons on a joypad). Once the fire is out, he'll gradually regenerate - well, he is a magical creature after all. Pickups will also be able to regenerate him.


To keep the project manageable, I'm leaning towards a low-poly art style. It's a great way to achieve a distinctive look without overwhelming my limited modelling skills. Plus, I have a library of Synty Studio assets that will help me maintain a consistent aesthetic.

So, the next step is to open Blender and begin cursing.


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This sounds interesting! Looking forward to future updates!


Don't hold your breath :D

This one's going to take a while.